Monday, September 15, 2014

The decision

The decision to move my mom to a nursing home was not an easy one, but I knew for her health and safety, I needed to move her out of her home. She lived alone and I was spending a lot of time going to check on her, therefore, taking time away from my family.

She was NOT eating, watching TV, sitting outside, things she normally liked doing.  She was becoming delusional and paranoid. 

I have 3 siblings, but none of them live in the state my mom and I do.  My brother had worked at a nursing home and he said I was going to kill myself trying to take care of her and that if she fell or left the house and got lost that I would really have my hands full.  So with all of my siblings blessings, I moved my mom to a nursing home.

I moved my mom the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 2011.  Hard to believe it will be three years this November.  It went by fast. As I look back at my Facebook post I see that on 11/3/11 I transferred the title of her car to me because she no longer needed or wanted to drive, on 11/11/11 I took her to the doctor and was told no more appointments necessary until after the first of the year, on 11/22/11 I spent the night with my mom still unsure if this would be her last week at her home, 11/26/11 moved her to nursing home. Wow, what a whirlwind month.

1 comment:

  1. These decisions are hard. Probably harder on us than our parent. We want so much to be there for them, but it takes it's toll on us. I knew it wouldn't work having mom live with us and she couldn't live alone. I know she is in a good place and well taken care of. I feel guilty sometimes if I miss my two days a week with her. I need to be my best self when I'm with her. I prepare myself mentally for our visits, as she can drive me nuts with repeating everything and forgetting everything. I know she can't help it, but some days are harder than others for me. I do my best to love on her and not get frustrated. It's getting easier all the time.
